The country gentleman's companion: Or, Ancient husbandry restored; and modern husbandry improved. By Stephen Switzer, gardiner. Shewing, I. The most expeditions manner of raising and propagating foreign sallads and other kitchen plants, viz. Italian brocoli, Spanish cardoon, celeriac, finochi, &c. rendring them more useful dishes than they have hitherto been. II. The method of buring clay, proving it to be not only the cheapest, but the best discovery for the improvement of land, especially that which is cold and poor, ever yet practiced. Invented by the Right Honourable George Earl of Halifax. III. The great improvement of land by grass seeds, viz. The Lucerne, St. Foyne, Clover, Reygre, Trefoyle, &c. The quantities to be sown on an acre and the soil proper for the reception of each kind of seed. IV. The excellency of the medicago, or cythisus maranthae of the ancients; demonstrating that plant, (so much esteemed by the Romans) to be the best fodder for all kinds of cattle, poultry, bees, &c. from its hardiness, being capable of enduring the severest weather, and prospering on the most barren, dry land; fully answering the character given of it by columella, cato, pliny, varrro, virgil, &c. With a detection of the errors of some writers relating to this plant
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Bibliographische Detailangaben
1. Verfasser: Switzer, Stephen 1682-1745 (VerfasserIn)
Format: Elektronisch E-Book
Veröffentlicht: London Printed for T. Astley at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and sold at the Seed Shop in Westminster-hall 1732
Beschreibung:A compendious method .. is the fifth edition
English Short Title Catalog, T34233
Henrey, 1407
Pages 37 and 38 repeated in Sig.I of A dissertation
Price on title page: Price 3s. sewed up, or 3s. 6d. bound
Reproduction of original from British Library
This comprises the author's two separate works: A compendious method for the raising of the Italian brocoli, Spanish cardoon, celeriac, finochi, and other foreign kitchen vegetables .. 1731, and A dissertation on the true Cythisus of the ancients .. 1731, bound under one common title
Beschreibung:Online-Ressource ([2],x,78;xxii,79[i.e 81],[1]Seiten,plate) ill 8°

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