Fibre-reinforced polymer reinforcement for concrete structures: proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), Singapore 8-10 July, 2003
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Körperschaft: International Symposium on FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures < 2003, Singapore> (VerfasserIn)
Format: Elektronisch E-Book
Veröffentlicht: Singapore World Scientific 2003
Beschreibung:Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Vol. 1. Keynote papers. FRP reinforcements in structural concrete: assessment, progress, and prospects / A.E. Naaman -- Progress and prospects of FRP reinforcements: survey of expert opinions / A.E. Naaman -- Durability design of GFRP rods for concrete reinforcement / T. Uomoto -- New types of continuous fiber reinforcements for concrete members / T. Ueda -- FRP materials and properties. Performance of thermoplastic fiber reinforced polymer rebars / A.B. Mehrabi ... [et al.] -- Experimental study on Poisson's ratio for FRP tendons / M. Tanaka ... [et al.] -- Stress-strain model for FRP-confined concrete for design applications / L. Lam and J.G. Teng -- Accelerated techniques to predict the stress-rupture behaviour of aramid fibres / K.G.N.C. Alwis and C.J. Burgoyne -- Bond behaviour. Bond characteristics of various FRP strengthening techniques / S.H. Rizkalla and T. Hassan --
- Bond strength between fiber-reinforced polymer laminates and concrete / T. Kanakubo, T. Furuta and H. Fukuyama -- Local bond stress-slip relations for FRP sheets-concrete interfaces / J.G. Dai and T. Ueda -- Bilinear stress -- slip bond model: theoretical background and significance / T. Ulaga, T. Vogel and U. Meier -- Non linear bond-slip law for FRP-concrete interface / M. Savoia, B. Ferracuti and C. Mazzoti -- Experimental analysis of interface between CFRP and concrete using cylindrical specimens / A.C. Dos Santos, T.N. Bittencourt and R. Gettu -- FRP adhesion in uncracked and cracked concrete zones / G. Monti, M. Renzelli and P. Luciani -- Neural network prediction of plate end debonding in FRP-plated RC beams / S.T. Smith, J.G. Teng and M. Lu -- Bond behaviour of CFRP strips glued into slits / M. Blaschko -- Externally bonded reinforcement for flexure. Load capacity of concrete beams strengthened with external FRP sheets / Z.J. Wu and J.M. Davies --
- Reinforcing effects of CFRP and AFRP sheets with respect to flexural behaviour of RC beams / O. Joh, Z. Wang and H. Ibe -- Flexural behaviour of RC beams externally reinforced with carbon fiber sheets / Y. Takahashi and Y. Sato -- Strength and failure mechanism of RC T-beams strengthened with CFRP plates / K. Lee and R. Al-Mahaidi -- Effect of beam size on interfacial shear stresses and failure mode of FRP-bonded beams / K.S. Leong and M. Maalej -- Debonding failure of RC structural members strengthened with FRP laminates / G. Camata, E. Spacone and V. Saouma -- Effect of end wrapping on peeling behaviour of FRP-strengthened beams / P. Pornpongsaroj and A. Pimanmas -- An experimental study on debond-control of AFRP for flexurally strengthened RC beams / S. Sawada ... [et al.] -- Tests on RC T-beams strengthened in flexure with a glued and bolted CFRP laminate / A. Nurchi ... [et al.] --
- Parametric studies of RC beams strengthened in flexure with externally bonded FRP / S. Limkatanyu ... [et al.] -- Concrete cover failure or tooth type failure in RC beams strengthened with FRP laminates / M.M. Lopez and A.E. Naaman
Influence of material properties of FRPs on strength of flexural strengthened RC beams / G.F. Zhang, N. Kishi and H. Mikami -- Ductility of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP strips and fabric / M. Valcuende, J. Benlloch and C.J. Parra -- A review of ductility determination of FRP strengthened flexural RC elements / D.B. Tann, P. Davies and R. Delpak -- A semi-empirical approach for the prediction of deflections of FRP strengthened RC slabs / D.B. Tann -- Crack widths in RC beams externally bonded with CFRP sheets / Y. Zhang, H. Toutanji and P. Balaguru -- Numerical simulations for strengthened structures with hybrid fiber sheets / H. Niu and Z. Wu -- Fibre-section FE of FRP-strengthened RC beam in flexure, shear and confinement / G. Monti and M. Barbato -- Interaction between internal Bars and external FRP reinforcement in RC members / G. Zehetmaier and K. Zilch -- Strengthening of RC two-way slabs with composite materials / O. Limam, G. Foret and A. Ehrlacher --
- Evaluation of externally bonded CFRP systems for the strengthening of RC slabs / K.Y. Tan, J.G. Tumialan and A. Nanni -- Flexural strengthening of two-way slabs using FRPs / H. Marzouk, U.A. Ebead and K.W. Neale -- Tensile properties of concrete in FRP strengthened two-way slabs / H. Marzouk, U.A. Ebead and K.W. Neale -- Externally bonded reinforcement for shear. Shear critical RC beams strengthened with CFRP straps / G. Kesse and J.M. Lees -- Effective shear strengthening of concrete beams using FRP sheets with bonded anchorage / B.B. Adhikary, H. Mutsuyoshi and M. Ashraf -- Behaviour of concrete structures strengthened in shear with CFRP / A. Carolin and B. Täljsten -- Strengthening of RC T beams in shear with carbon sheet laminates (CFRP) / G.S. Melo, A.S. Araújo and Y. Nagato -- Strength analysis of sheared beams retrofitted with strengthening materials / Z.H. Xiong and M.N.S. Hadi -- Shear performance with externally bonded carbon fibre fabrics / A. Li ... [et al.] --
- Evaluation of shear capacity of RC columns strengthened by continuous fiber / T. Furuta, T. Kanakubo and H. Fukuyama -- Shear design equations for FRP RC beams / M. Guadagnini, K. Pilakoutas and P. Waldron -- Strengthening of corrosion-damaged RC columns with FRP / S.N. Bousias ... [et al.] -- Shear strengthening of concrete bridge decks using FRP bar / P. Valerio and T.J. Ibell -- Externally bonded reinforcement for confinement. Stress-strain relationship for FRP-confined concrete cylinders / G. Wu, Z. Lu and Z. Wu -- Stress-strain relationship for FRP-confined concrete prisms / G. Wu, Z. Wu and Z. Lu -- Concrete cylinders confined by CFRP sheets subjected to cyclic axial compressive load / T. Rousakis ... [et al.] -- Concrete cylinders confined by prestressed CFRP filament winding under axial compressive load / T. Rousakis ... [et al.] -- Concrete confined with fiber reinforced cement based thin sheet composites / H.C. Wu and J. Teng
Hoop rupture strains of FRP jackets in FRP-confined concrete / L. Lam and J.G. Teng -- Externally confined high strength concrete columns under eccentric loading / J. Li, M. Moulsdale and M.S.N. Hadi -- Creep performance of CFRP confined concrete cylinders / M. Thériault ... [et al.] -- Development/splice strength of steel bars in concrete confined with CFRP sheets / M.H. Harajli and B.S. Hamad -- Lateral prestressing of RC columns with FRP jackets / A.A. Mortazavi, K. Pilakoutas and M.A. Ciupala -- Confinement of RC rectangular columns using GFRP / A. Prota. G. Manfredi and E. Cosenza -- Behaviour of RC columns retrofitted by fibre reinforced polymers under cyclic loads / H. Shaheen ... [et al.] -- Photogrammetrically measured deformations of FRP wrapped low strength concrete / A. Ilki ... [et al.] -- FRP structural shapes. Rectangular FRP tubes filled with concrete for beam and column applications / A.Z. Fam. D.A. Schnerch and S.H. Rizkalla --
- Flexural behaviour of GFRP-polymer concrete hybrid structural systems / M.C.S. Ribeiro, A.J.M. Ferreira and A.T. Marques -- A new concept for an FRP panelized rapid deployment shelter / N.M. Bradford and R. Sen -- Experimental investigation of pultruded FRP section combined with concrete slab / A. Biddah -- Vol. 2. Durability and maintenance. Research on strength and durability of GFRP rods for prestressed concrete tendons / M. Sugiyama and T. Uomoto -- Durability of concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars under different environmental and loading conditions / K. Laoubi ... [et al.] -- Environmental effects on RC beams strengthened with near surface mounted FRP rods / F. Micelli, A. La Tegola and J.J. Myers -- Synergistic hydrothermal effects on durability of E-glass vinylester composites / W. Chu and V.M. Karbhari -- Durability of GFRP composites under tropical climate / Y.S. Liew and K.H. Tan --
- Effects of different long-term climatic conditions on FRP durability / P. Labossière, K.W. Neale and I. Nishizaki -- Durability of aramid and carbon FRP PC beams under natural and accelerated exposure / H. Nakai ... [et al.] -- Effects of wet environment on CFRP-confined concrete cylinders / F. Micelli, L. De Lorenzis, and A. La Tegola -- Alkali aggregate reactive mortar cylinders partly restrained by external CFRP fabric / B.J. Wigum -- ASR expansion reduction and ductility improvement by CFRP sheet wrapping / A. Hattori ... [et al.] -- Durability of GFRP rebars in concrete beams under sustained loads at severe environments / T.H. Almusallam ... [et al.] -- Influence of sustained stress on the durability of GFRP bars embedded in concrete / V. Dejke ... [et al.] -- A maintenance strategy for FRP strengthening systems / P. Desiderio -- Sustained and fatigue loads. Viability of using CFRP laminates to repair RC beams corroded under sustained loads / T. El Maaddawy and K. Soudki --
- Fatigue bond of carbon fiber sheets and concrete in RC slabs strengthened by CFRP / A. Kobayashi, S. Matsui and M. Kishimoto
Fatigue performance of RC beams strengthened with CF sheets bonded by inorganic matrix / H. Toutanji, Y. Deng and M. Jia -- Fatigue performance of RC beams strengthened with externally prestressed PBO fiber sheets / Z. Wu ... [et al.] -- Prestressed CFRP sheets for strengthening reinforced concrete structures in fatigue / R. El-Hacha ... [et al.] -- Fatigue behaviour of bridge deck specimen strengthened with carbon fiber polymer composites / J. Sim and H.S. Oh -- Static and fatigue tests on precracked RC beams strengthened with CFRP sheets / Z.Y. Wu ... [et al.] -- Fatigue investigation of concrete bridge deck slab reinforced with GFRP and steel strap / A.H. Memon, A.A. Mufti and B. Bakht -- Prestressed FRP reinforcement and tendons. Fatigue of high strength concrete beams pretensioned with CFRP tendons / B.B. Agyei, J.M. Lees and G.P. Terrasi -- Transverse confinement of deck slabs by concrete straps / V. Banthia ... [et al.] --
- Design of znchorage zones for FRP-prestressed concrete / T.J. Ibell, L. Gale and M.C. Choi -- A simple continuous system of shear reinforcement with polyacetal fiber / R. Tuladhar ... [et al.] -- Analytical modeling of splitting bond failure for NSM FRP reinforcement in concrete / L. De Lorenzis and A. La Tegola -- Strengthening of RC beams with external FRP tendons: tendon stress at ultimate / R.A. Tjandra and K.H. Tan -- Comparative analysis on stress calculation methods for external FRP cables / L. An ... [et al.] -- Moment redistribution in continuous monolithic and segmental concrete beams prestressed with external aramid tendons / A.F. Araujo and G.B. Guimarães -- Experimental investigation on the ductility of beams prestressed with FRP / M.M. Morais and C.J. Burgoyne -- Time-dependent flexural crack width prediction of concrete beams prestressed with CFRP tendons / P.X.W. Zou and S.T. Smith --
- Structural strengthening. Multiscale reinforcement concept for employment of carbon fiber woven mesh / K. Yamada ... [et al.] -- Woven composite fabric to strengthen structurally deficient RC beams / H.Y. Leung, R.V. Balendran and T. Maqsood -- Calibration of partial safety coefficients for FRP strengthening / G. Monti and S. Santini -- Comparison between FRP rebar, FRP grid and steel rebar reinforced concrete beams / M. Ozel ... [et al.] -- Concrete beams strengthened with pre-stressed near surface mounted reinforcement / H. Nordin and B. Täljsten -- Strengthening of one-way RC slabs with openings using CFRP systems / H.D. Zhao and K.H. Tan -- Experimental results of one-way RC slabs with openings strengthened with CFRP composites / P. Casadei. T.J. Ibell and A. Nanni -- Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete beam-column joint strengthened with GFRP / Y. Ouyang ... [et al.] -- FRP seismic strengthening of columns in frames / M.A. Ciupala, K. Pilakoutas and N. Taranu --
- Retrofitting of shear walls designed to BS8110 for seismic loads using FRP / K.H. Kong, K.H. Tan and T. Balendra
Strengthening of interior slab-column connections with CFRP strips / K. Soudki, T. Van Zwol and R. Sherping -- Effectiveness of FRP plate strengthening on curved soffits / A.D. Porter ... [et al.] -- Strengthening performance of FRP sheets bonded to concrete tunnel linings / Z. Wu ... [et al.] -- Strengthening of concrete structures in torsion with FRP / B. Täljsten -- FE modelling of FRP-repaired RC plane stress elements / N. Khomwan and S.J. Foster -- Applications in masonry and steel structures. Blast resistance of prototype in-built masonry walls strengthened with FRP systems / M.K.H. Patoary and K.H. Tan -- Retrofit techniques using polymers and FRPs for preventing injurious wall debris / J.E. Crawford and K.B. Morrill -- Experimental behaviour of masonry panels strengthened with FRP sheets / G. Marcari, G. Manfredi and M. Pecce -- Flexural strengthening of URM walls with FRP systems / V. Turco ... [et al.] --
- Shear strengthening of URM clay walls with FRP systems / S. Grando ... [et al.] -- Effect of FRP mesh reinforcement on shear capacity and deformability of masonry walls / S. Russo, R. Gottardo and D. Codato -- Strengthening of masonry structures under compressive loads by using FRP strips / M.R. Valluzzi, D. Tinazzi and C. Modena -- Seismic behaviour of masonry structural walls strengthened with CFRP plates / X.L. Gu ... [et al.] -- Advanced composite materials for the repair of steel structures / A.H. Al-Saidy, T.J. Wipf and F.W. Klaiber -- Field applications and case studies. Construction and evaluation of full-scale CFRP prestressed concrete DT-girder / N.F. Grace and G.A. Sayed -- Flexural behaviour of bridge deck slabs reinforced with FRP composite bars / E.F. El-Salakawy, C. Kassem and B. Benmokrane -- Details and specifications for a bridge deck with FRP framework, grid and rebar / L.C Bank ... [et al.] --
- Construction, testing and monitoring of FRP RC bridges in North America / B. Benmokrane ... [et al.] -- Strengthening of concrete structures with prestressed and gradually anchored CFRP strips / I. Stoecklin and U. Meier -- Strengthening of concrete bridges with carbon cables and strips / T. Keller -- New corrosion-free concrete bridge barriers reinforced with GFRP composite bars / E.F. El-Salakawy ... [et al.] -- Strengthening of steel silos with post-tensioned CFRP laminates / L. De Lorenzis, F. Micelli and A. La Tegola -- Seismic performance improvement of the bell tower in Serra S. Quirico by composites / E. Cosenza, I. Iervolino and E. Guglielmo -- Strengthening with CFRP under simulated live loads / A. Hejll, A. Carolin and B. Täljsten -- Composite structural systems -- from characterization to field implementation / V.M. Karbhari, H. Guan and L. Zhao -- Optimal cost design for beams prestressed with FRP tendons / I. Balafas and C.J. Burgoyne --
- FRP in civil engineering in China: research and applications / L.P. Ye ... [et al.]
Codes and standards. Design concepts of the new Swiss code on externally bonded reinforcement / T. Vogel and T. Ulaga -- Design guideline for CFRP strengthening of concrete structures / B. Täljsten -- Design practice of framed building structure based on AIJ design guideline 2002 / K. Kobayashi ... [et al.] -- Evaluations of continuous fiber reinforced RC members based on AIJ design guildeline 2002 / K. Nakano ... [et al.] -- Design procedure of NSM FRP reinforcement for strengthening of RC beams / L. De Lorenzis and A. Nanni
Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement has been used in construction as either internal or external reinforcement for concrete structures in the past decade. This book provides the latest research findings related to the development, design and application of FRP reinforcement in new construction and rehabilitation works. The topics include FRP properties and bond behaviour, externally bonded reinforcement for flexure, shear and confinement, FRP structural shapes, durability, member behaviour under sustained loads, fatigue loads and blast loads, prestressed FRP tendons, structural strengthening applications, case studies, and codes and standards
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