The unlearned alchymist his antidote, Or a more full and ample explanation of the use, virtue and benefit of my pill. Entituled, An effectual diaphoretick, diuretick, purgeth by sweating urine: Whereunto is added, sundry cures and experiences, with particular direction unto particular diseases and distempers. Also, sundry plain and easie receits, which the ingenious may prepare for their own health. Together with a precious pearl in the midst of a dunghil, being a true and faithful receit of Mr. Richard Matthews's pill, according to his own practice recorded in writing under his own hand, 1659. Presented to the world by Mris. Anne Mathews, amongst many sad complaints of wrongs done to her, and the commonalty, and her deceased husband. By Richard Mathews, and are to be had at his house by the Lyons Den at the Tower, next gate to the By-ward
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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Mathews, Richard (Author)
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London printed for Joseph Leigh, at the upper end of Bazing-hall-street, near the Nags-head Tavern 1663
Online Access:BSB01
Item Description:"Pretious pearl in the midst of a dunghil" has separate dated title page and separate pagination; register is continuous. - Copy filmed at UMI microfilm Early English Books 1641-1700 reel 2431 lacks all after page 48 of third section. - Page 48 has catchword "Now". - Reproduction of original in the British Library. - The third (48+p.) section has no title but has separate pagination and register; first line of text reads: "VVhereas Mr. Richard". - Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), M1291
Physical Description:Online-Ressource

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