Officer of the Squadron. (1744). A voyage to the South-Seas, and to many other parts of the world: Performed from the month of September in the year 1740, to June 1744, by Commodore Anson, in His Majesty's ship the Centurion, having under his command the Gloucester, Pearl, Severn, Wager, Trial, and two store-ships. By an Officer of the Squadron. Printed and sold by R. Walker, in Fleet-Lane.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)Officer of the Squadron. A Voyage to the South-Seas, and to Many Other Parts of the World: Performed from the Month of September in the Year 1740, to June 1744, by Commodore Anson, in His Majesty's Ship the Centurion, Having Under His Command the Gloucester, Pearl, Severn, Wager, Trial, and Two Store-ships. By an Officer of the Squadron. London: Printed and sold by R. Walker, in Fleet-Lane, 1744.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)Officer of the Squadron. A Voyage to the South-Seas, and to Many Other Parts of the World: Performed from the Month of September in the Year 1740, to June 1744, by Commodore Anson, in His Majesty's Ship the Centurion, Having Under His Command the Gloucester, Pearl, Severn, Wager, Trial, and Two Store-ships. By an Officer of the Squadron. Printed and sold by R. Walker, in Fleet-Lane, 1744.