(1737). An argument upon the woollen manufacture of Great-Britain: Plainly demonstrating, that Ireland must be speedily employed therein, as the only Means to recover its Decay, and to prevent its Ruin. printed by George Faulkner, Bookseller, in Essex-Street, opposite to the Bridge.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)An Argument upon the Woollen Manufacture of Great-Britain: Plainly Demonstrating, That Ireland Must Be Speedily Employed Therein, as the Only Means to Recover Its Decay, and to Prevent Its Ruin. Dublin: printed by George Faulkner, Bookseller, in Essex-Street, opposite to the Bridge, 1737.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)An Argument upon the Woollen Manufacture of Great-Britain: Plainly Demonstrating, That Ireland Must Be Speedily Employed Therein, as the Only Means to Recover Its Decay, and to Prevent Its Ruin. printed by George Faulkner, Bookseller, in Essex-Street, opposite to the Bridge, 1737.