Taplin, W. 1. (1788). The gentleman's stable directory: Or, modern system of farriery. Comprehending the present entire improved mode of practice: containing all the most valuable prescriptions and approved remedies, accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known disease to which the Horse is incident. Interspersed with occasional remarks upon the dangerous and almost obsolete practice of Gibson, Bracken, and others. Including directions for Feeding, Bleeding, Purging, and getting into condition for the chase. Inscribed to Sir John Lade, Bart. By William Taplin, Surgeon (The third edition, corrected.). printed for G. Kearsley, at Johnson's Head, No. 46, in Eleet Street.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)Taplin, William 1740?-1807. The Gentleman's Stable Directory: Or, Modern System of Farriery. Comprehending the Present Entire Improved Mode of Practice: Containing All the Most Valuable Prescriptions and Approved Remedies, Accurately Proportioned and Properly Adapted to Every Known Disease to Which the Horse Is Incident. Interspersed with Occasional Remarks upon the Dangerous and Almost Obsolete Practice of Gibson, Bracken, and Others. Including Directions for Feeding, Bleeding, Purging, and Getting into Condition for the Chase. Inscribed to Sir John Lade, Bart. By William Taplin, Surgeon. The third edition, corrected. London: printed for G. Kearsley, at Johnson's Head, No. 46, in Eleet Street, 1788.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)Taplin, William 1740?-1807. The Gentleman's Stable Directory: Or, Modern System of Farriery. Comprehending the Present Entire Improved Mode of Practice: Containing All the Most Valuable Prescriptions and Approved Remedies, Accurately Proportioned and Properly Adapted to Every Known Disease to Which the Horse Is Incident. Interspersed with Occasional Remarks upon the Dangerous and Almost Obsolete Practice of Gibson, Bracken, and Others. Including Directions for Feeding, Bleeding, Purging, and Getting into Condition for the Chase. Inscribed to Sir John Lade, Bart. By William Taplin, Surgeon. The third edition, corrected. printed for G. Kearsley, at Johnson's Head, No. 46, in Eleet Street, 1788.