(1791). A brief reply to the observations of Ben. Bousfield, Esq: On Mr. Burke's pamphlet, respecting the revolution in France. In five letters to a friend. In which are considered, Mr. Bousfield's prepossessions for the modern whigs. T. Byrne, 15, Parliament-Street.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)A Brief Reply to the Observations of Ben. Bousfield, Esq: On Mr. Burke's Pamphlet, Respecting the Revolution in France. In Five Letters to a Friend. In Which Are Considered, Mr. Bousfield's Prepossessions for the Modern Whigs. Dublin: T. Byrne, 15, Parliament-Street, 1791.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)A Brief Reply to the Observations of Ben. Bousfield, Esq: On Mr. Burke's Pamphlet, Respecting the Revolution in France. In Five Letters to a Friend. In Which Are Considered, Mr. Bousfield's Prepossessions for the Modern Whigs. T. Byrne, 15, Parliament-Street, 1791.