(1745). The Dealers pocket companion: Containing tables for the ready knowing the amount, or value, of any commodity; either bought, or sold, by the pound, ell, yard, ounce, or any other thing, under what denomination soever, from a farthing to twenty shillings. Re-printed by J. Draper, for J. Edwards in Cornhil.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)The Dealers Pocket Companion: Containing Tables for the Ready Knowing the Amount, or Value, of Any Commodity; Either Bought, or Sold, by the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or Any Other Thing, Under What Denomination Soever, from a Farthing to Twenty Shillings. Boston: Re-printed by J. Draper, for J. Edwards in Cornhil, 1745.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)The Dealers Pocket Companion: Containing Tables for the Ready Knowing the Amount, or Value, of Any Commodity; Either Bought, or Sold, by the Pound, Ell, Yard, Ounce, or Any Other Thing, Under What Denomination Soever, from a Farthing to Twenty Shillings. Re-printed by J. Draper, for J. Edwards in Cornhil, 1745.