Rigge, A. (1663). A standard of righteousness lifted up unto the nations, and an ensigne of grace unto the people, but the flagge of defiance against Antichrist, and all his messengers and ministers, who are under his power and pleading for it, for terme of life: All of which are held forth in a plain answer unto Leonard Letchford's quaery concerning perfection and keeping of Gods law and Commandments, which may serve the universal good, and satisfaction of all people who are yet unsatisfied in these weighty matters in this book inserted. [s.n.].
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)Rigge, Ambrose. A Standard of Righteousness Lifted Up Unto the Nations, and an Ensigne of Grace Unto the People, but the Flagge of Defiance Against Antichrist, and All His Messengers and Ministers, Who Are Under His Power and Pleading for It, for Terme of Life: All of Which Are Held Forth in a Plain Answer Unto Leonard Letchford's Quaery Concerning Perfection and Keeping of Gods Law and Commandments, Which May Serve the Universal Good, and Satisfaction of All People Who Are yet Unsatisfied in These Weighty Matters in This Book Inserted. S.l: [s.n.], 1663.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)Rigge, Ambrose. A Standard of Righteousness Lifted Up Unto the Nations, and an Ensigne of Grace Unto the People, but the Flagge of Defiance Against Antichrist, and All His Messengers and Ministers, Who Are Under His Power and Pleading for It, for Terme of Life: All of Which Are Held Forth in a Plain Answer Unto Leonard Letchford's Quaery Concerning Perfection and Keeping of Gods Law and Commandments, Which May Serve the Universal Good, and Satisfaction of All People Who Are yet Unsatisfied in These Weighty Matters in This Book Inserted. [s.n.], 1663.