Leybourn, W. (1690). Four tables of accompts ready cast up: The first shewing from one pound to an 100 pound by the year what it amounts unto by the day, week, month, quarter, and half-year. Printed and are to be sold by Robert Walton.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)Leybourn, William. Four Tables of Accompts Ready Cast Up: The First Shewing from One Pound to an 100 Pound by the Year What It Amounts Unto by the Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Half-year. London: Printed and are to be sold by Robert Walton, 1690.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)Leybourn, William. Four Tables of Accompts Ready Cast Up: The First Shewing from One Pound to an 100 Pound by the Year What It Amounts Unto by the Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Half-year. Printed and are to be sold by Robert Walton, 1690.