Two sermons preached to the honourable House of Commons, at two publike fasts: the one, March 30. 1642. The other, April 30. 1645. The former, opening the necessity and benefit of washing the heart. The later, discovering the vanity and mischief of an heart unwashed. by Cor. Burges, D.D. Minister of the Gospel, in Pauls-London. Published in obedience to severall orders of that Honourable House
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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Burges, Cornelius 1589-1665 (Author)
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London Printed by J.R. for Phil. Stephens, at the gilded Lion, in Pauls-Church-yard 1645
Online Access:BSB01
Item Description:"The second sermon" may have also been issued separately in the same year with variant imprints naming either "Philem. Stephens" or "Christoph. Meredith" as bookseller (Wing B5680 and B5681) or with title page mostly reset with imprint "London, printed in the yeare 1645" (Wing B5681A). - "The second sermon, preached to the Honourable House of Commons, April 30. 1645" has separate dated title page and pagination. New pagination begins on 2 B1. Imprint for Sermon 2 has "Philem. Stephens" named as bookseller. - A variant of the edition with Christopher Meredith named as bookseller in imprint in place of Phil. Stephens. - Reproduction of the original in the British Library. - Signatures: A2 B-G4 H2 2 B-2 H4. - The last leaf is blank. - Thomason copy bound with items from 1642. - Thomason, E.138[15]. - Wing (2nd ed.), B5688
Physical Description:Online-Ressource

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