(1654). An order by the Commissioners of the Admirality and the Navy: Concerning the payment of the prize-money due to seamen and souldiers, and their widows, that have served at sea in this last years expedition. 16 January, 1653. Printed for Laurence Blaiklock, and T. Hewer.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)An Order by the Commissioners of the Admirality and the Navy: Concerning the Payment of the Prize-money Due to Seamen and Souldiers, and Their Widows, That Have Served at Sea in This Last Years Expedition. 16 January, 1653. London: Printed for Laurence Blaiklock, and T. Hewer, 1654.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)An Order by the Commissioners of the Admirality and the Navy: Concerning the Payment of the Prize-money Due to Seamen and Souldiers, and Their Widows, That Have Served at Sea in This Last Years Expedition. 16 January, 1653. Printed for Laurence Blaiklock, and T. Hewer, 1654.