The scales of commerce and trade: ballancing betwixt the buyer and seller, artificer and manufacture, debitor and creditor, the most general questions, artificiall rules, and usefull conclusions incident to traffique: comprehended in two books. The first states the ponderates to equity and custome, all usuall rules, legall bargains and contracts, in wholesale ot [sic] retaile, with factorage, returnes, and exchanges of forraign coyn, of interest-money, both simple and compounded, with solutions from naturall and artificiall arithmetick. The second book treats of geometricall problems and arithmeticall solutions, in dimensions of lines, superficies and bodies, both solid and concave, viz. land, wainscot, hangings, board, timber, stone, gaging of casks, military propositions, merchants accounts by debitor and creditor; architectonice, or the art of building
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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Willsford, Thomas (Author)
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London Printed by J.G. for Nath: Brook, at the angel in Cornhill 1660
Online Access:BSB01
Item Description:"Architectonice" (Thomason E.1748[2]) has separate title page dated 1659, and separate pagination; register is continuous. - "The debitor and creditor: or A perfect method for keeping merchants accounts, after the Italian manner" has separate dated title page. Pagination and register are continuous. - Annotation on Thomason copy: "Febr 1659"; the last two numbers of imprint date are crossed out. - On signatures Q7-R8, opposite pages bear duplicate numbering. - Reproduction of the original in the British Library. - Signatures P4-R8 bear tables and ledgers. - Text is continuous despite pagination. - Thomason, E.1748[1]. - Thomason, E.1748[2]. - Wing (2nd ed.), W2876
Physical Description:Online-Ressource

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