Rich, B. (1619). The Irish hubbub, or, The English hue and crie: Breifely pursuing the base conditions, and most notorious offences of this vile, vaine, and wicked age. No lesse smarting then tickling. A merriment whereby to make the vvise to laugh, and fooles to be angry. By Barnaby Rich gentleman, and seruant to the Kings most excellent Maiestie. Printed for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop at the white Flower-de-luce neere Fetter-lane end in Fleet-street.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)Rich, Barnabe. The Irish Hubbub, or, The English Hue and Crie: Breifely Pursuing the Base Conditions, and Most Notorious Offences of This Vile, Vaine, and Wicked Age. No Lesse Smarting Then Tickling. A Merriment Whereby to Make the Vvise to Laugh, and Fooles to Be Angry. By Barnaby Rich Gentleman, and Seruant to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie. London: Printed for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop at the white Flower-de-luce neere Fetter-lane end in Fleet-street, 1619.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)Rich, Barnabe. The Irish Hubbub, or, The English Hue and Crie: Breifely Pursuing the Base Conditions, and Most Notorious Offences of This Vile, Vaine, and Wicked Age. No Lesse Smarting Then Tickling. A Merriment Whereby to Make the Vvise to Laugh, and Fooles to Be Angry. By Barnaby Rich Gentleman, and Seruant to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie. Printed for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop at the white Flower-de-luce neere Fetter-lane end in Fleet-street, 1619.