(1601). The assise of bread. Whereunto there are also added, sundrie good and needful orders in making and retailing of all kindes of lawfull breads ... Ioh. Cant. Ch. Hatton. W. Burley. ... S.I. Wooley (Newly corrected & enlarged, from twelue pence the quarter of wheat, vnto three pou[n]d & six pence the quarter .. and also other assizes in weightes and measures.). Printed by Iohn Windet, dwelling at Powles Wharfe at the signe of the Crosse Keys.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)The Assise of Bread. Whereunto There Are Also Added, Sundrie Good and Needful Orders in Making and Retailing of All Kindes of Lawfull Breads ... Ioh. Cant. Ch. Hatton. W. Burley. ... S.I. Wooley. Newly corrected & enlarged, from twelue pence the quarter of wheat, vnto three pou[n]d & six pence the quarter .. and also other assizes in weightes and measures. London: Printed by Iohn Windet, dwelling at Powles Wharfe at the signe of the Crosse Keys, 1601.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)The Assise of Bread. Whereunto There Are Also Added, Sundrie Good and Needful Orders in Making and Retailing of All Kindes of Lawfull Breads ... Ioh. Cant. Ch. Hatton. W. Burley. ... S.I. Wooley. Newly corrected & enlarged, from twelue pence the quarter of wheat, vnto three pou[n]d & six pence the quarter .. and also other assizes in weightes and measures. Printed by Iohn Windet, dwelling at Powles Wharfe at the signe of the Crosse Keys, 1601.