Buchanan, I. (1849). Alteration of the money law: A system desiderated which will retain all the present security which we have for the paper circulation, and at the same time provide for the price of gold rising and falling, like other commodities, when its value changes in this country. s.n.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)Buchanan, Isaac. Alteration of the Money Law: A System Desiderated Which Will Retain All the Present Security Which We Have for the Paper Circulation, and at the Same Time Provide for the Price of Gold Rising and Falling, like Other Commodities, When Its Value Changes in This Country. S.l: s.n, 1849.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)Buchanan, Isaac. Alteration of the Money Law: A System Desiderated Which Will Retain All the Present Security Which We Have for the Paper Circulation, and at the Same Time Provide for the Price of Gold Rising and Falling, like Other Commodities, When Its Value Changes in This Country. s.n, 1849.