Sadler, M. T. (1836). Factory statistics: The official tables appended to the report of the select committee on the ten-hour factory bill, vindicated in a series of letters addressed to John Elliot Drinkwater, Esq., one of the factory commissioners. J. Hatchard.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)Sadler, Michael Thomas. Factory Statistics: The Official Tables Appended to the Report of the Select Committee on the Ten-hour Factory Bill, Vindicated in a Series of Letters Addressed to John Elliot Drinkwater, Esq., One of the Factory Commissioners. London: J. Hatchard, 1836.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)Sadler, Michael Thomas. Factory Statistics: The Official Tables Appended to the Report of the Select Committee on the Ten-hour Factory Bill, Vindicated in a Series of Letters Addressed to John Elliot Drinkwater, Esq., One of the Factory Commissioners. J. Hatchard, 1836.