Iredell, J. (1851). A new digested manual of the acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina: From the year 1838 to the year 1850, inclusive, omitting all the acts of a private and local nature, and such as were temporary and whose operation has expired. Seaton Gales.
Chicago-Zitierstil (17. Ausg.)Iredell, James. A New Digested Manual of the Acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina: From the Year 1838 to the Year 1850, Inclusive, Omitting All the Acts of a Private and Local Nature, and Such as Were Temporary and Whose Operation Has Expired. Raleigh: Seaton Gales, 1851.
MLA-Zitierstil (9. Ausg.)Iredell, James. A New Digested Manual of the Acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina: From the Year 1838 to the Year 1850, Inclusive, Omitting All the Acts of a Private and Local Nature, and Such as Were Temporary and Whose Operation Has Expired. Seaton Gales, 1851.