Moby-Dick; or, the whale:

Ishmael, Queequeg, and Starbuck of the whaling ship Pequod watch on as the driven - and perhaps mad - Captain Ahab pushes ship and crew around Good Hope, and 'round the Horn, and 'round the Norway Maelstrom, and around perdition's flames in his doomed quest to hunt down the eponymous...

Ausführliche Beschreibung

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
1. Verfasser: Melville, Herman 1819-1891 (VerfasserIn)
Format: Buch
Veröffentlicht: Harmondsworth Penguin Books 1986
Schriftenreihe:Penguin classics
Zusammenfassung:Ishmael, Queequeg, and Starbuck of the whaling ship Pequod watch on as the driven - and perhaps mad - Captain Ahab pushes ship and crew around Good Hope, and 'round the Horn, and 'round the Norway Maelstrom, and around perdition's flames in his doomed quest to hunt down the eponymous Great White Whale.
Beschreibung:1011 S.