Gustav Philipp Mörl
Gustav Philipp Mörl or Gustav Philipp Morl; Gustavus Philippus Moerl (26 December 1673 – 7 May 1750) was a German theologian, was born in Nuremberg 26 December 1673 and was educated first in the schools of his native place and then at the university in Altdorf, where he studied philosophy and philology from 1690 to 1692, when he was removed to Jena to study theology and the ancient languages. He traveled through Holland, and visited its most important universities. After his return home he was appointed assistant of the philosophic faculty at Halle, and in 1698 became professor and ecclesiastical inspector at Altdorf. He resigned this position in 1703, and was appointed dean of St. Sebald's church at Nuremberg. In 1706 he was appointed minister of the St. Aegidien church, and inspector of the gymnasium; in 1714 minister at St. Lawrence, in connection with which he had the supervision of the ecclesiastical seminary. In 1724 he was appointed minister of the church of St. Sebald, superintendent of the consistory of Nuremberg, city librarian, and professor of divinity of the Aegidische gymnasium. He died on 7 May 1750.Besides several dissertations in journals, he published (Jenae, 1694, 4to): — (Halae, 1694, 4to): — (ibid. 1694, 4to): — (ibid. 1696, 1697, 4to): — ' (ibid. 1696, 4to): — (ibid. 1697, 4to): — (ibid. 1698, 4to): — (Altdorf, 1701, 4to): — (Norimb. 1702, 8vo): — 122 (Nurnberg, 1711, 4to): — (ibid. 1740, fol.): — (ibid. 1743, 1744, 2 volumes, fol.). Provided by Wikipedia
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Neu-verbessertes Buß- Beicht- und Communion-Buch In welchem gute Anleitung zu finden, wie sich ein bußfertiges Beicht-Kind, vor und nach der Heil. Beicht und Communion, sowohl zu H... by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1781Call Number: Loading…
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Disquisitio De Fide, Eius Natura, Generatione, Adiunctis atq[ue] Fundamento occasione Epistolae cuiusdam amici ad (S.T.) Dn. Christianum Thomasium Scriptae instituta & ad Vindicand... by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1698Call Number: Loading…
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Disquisitio De Fide, Eius Natura, Generatione, Adiunctis atq[ue] Fundamento occasione Epistolae cuiusdam amici ad (S.T.) Dn. Christianum Thomasium Scriptae instituta & ad Vindicand... by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1698Call Number: Loading…
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Defensio repetitionis doctrinae orthodoxae de fundamento fidei, adversus ea quae clarissimus D. Thomasius in nupero programmate, disputationi inaugurali D.L. Rubii annexo, attulit by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1697Call Number: Loading…
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Repetitio doctrinae orthodoxae ad amicos quosdam scripta de fundamento fidei, occasione cuiusdam disputationis Halensis de quaestione: an haeresis sit crimen? by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1697Call Number: Loading…
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Noologias seu de mente humana doctrinae ad paideian academicam adornatae by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1696Call Number: Loading…
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Glōssa tēs kainēs diathēkēs, hoc est Exercitatio philologica de lingua authentica sive originali N. T., et praecipue evangelii Matthaei by Wagenseil, Johann Christoph 1633-1705, Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1691Call Number: Loading…
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Unterricht und Trost, Auch Vermahnung zur Beständigkeit, Welche denen, Um des Evangelii Christi, und der darauf gegründeten Augspurgischen Glaubens-Bekänntniß willen, Aus dem Ertz-... by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1732Call Number: Loading…
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Der Nürnbergischen Prediger treu-hertzige Vermahnung und Warnung an ihre anvertraute Gemeinden wegen schon öffters, und jetzo wieder neuerlich enstandenen Glaubens-Irrungen, Deren... by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1731Call Number: Loading…
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Der in frölicher Hoffnung befindliche Unterscheid zwischen Bösen und Frommen, wurde, bey der höchst-betrübten und allzu frühzeitigen Beerdigung des Hoch-Edlen, Gestreng und Hochgel... by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1726Call Number: Loading…
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Vindiciae doctrinae Lutheranorum de gratia praedestinationis, quam Feuerlinus sub titulo: friedbringende Gründe ... propugnavit ... nuper vero de Vallone libello ... impugnandam su... by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1702Call Number: Loading…
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Modvm [modum] Dirigendi Omnes Actiones Nostras Ad Gloriam Dei by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750, Alberti, Michael
Published 1701Call Number: Loading…
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Repetitio doctrinae orthodoxae ad amicos quosdam scripta de fundamento fidei, occasione cuiusdam disputationis Halensis de quaestione: an haeresis sit crimen? by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1697Call Number: Loading…
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Noologias seu de mente humana doctrinae ad paideian academicam adornatae by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1697Call Number: Loading…
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De transitu ab uno extremo ad alterum in rebus theologicis by Baier, Johann Wilhelm 1647-1695, Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1695Call Number: Loading…
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De distinctione essentiali cognoscenda ex attributis by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750, Beuerlein, Johann Caspar
Published 1694Call Number: Loading…
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Glōssa tēs kainēs diathēkēs, H. E. Exercitatio Philologica De Lingva Avthentica Sive Originali Novi Testamenti & praecipuè Evangelii Matthaei by Wagenseil, Johann Christoph 1633-1705, Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1691Call Number: Loading…
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Noologias seu de mente humana doctrinae ad paideian academicam adornatae by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Call Number: Loading…
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Unterricht und Trost, Auch Vermahnung zur Beständigkeit, Welche denen, Um des Evangelii Christi, und der darauf gegründeten Augspurgischen Glaubens-Bekänntniß willen, Aus dem Ertz-... by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1732Call Number: Loading…
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Unterricht und Trost, Auch Vermahnung zur Beständigkeit, Welche denen, Um des Evangelii Christi, und der darauf gegründeten Augspurgischen Glaubens-Bekänntniß willen, Aus dem Ertz-... by Mörl, Gustav Philipp 1673-1750
Published 1732Call Number: Loading…
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